Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)
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Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)

Go deeper than the Black History you may think you know! Black American History For Dummies reveals the terrors and struggles and celebrates the triumphs of Black Americans. This handy book goes way beyond what you may have studied in school, digging into the complexities and the intrigues that make up Black America. From slavery and the Civil Rights movement to Black Wall Street, Juneteenth, redlining, and Black Lives Matter, this book offers an accessible resource for understanding the facts and events critical to Black history in America. The history of Black Americans is the history of Americans; Americans dance to Black music, read Black literature, watch Black movies, and whether they know it or not reap the benefits of the vibrant political, athletic, and sociological contributions of Black Americans. With this book, you can dive into history, culture, and beyond. See how far there's yet to go in the approach to studying Black American culture and ending racism. * Get the authoritative story on the growth and evolution of Black America from slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights era through to today * Discover the Black artists, musicians, athletes, and leaders who have made the United States what it is * Develop a fuller understanding of concerns about police brutality and other front-and-center race issues * Find out how every aspect of American life connects to Black history Black American History For Dummies is for anyone who needs to learn or re-learn the true history about Black Americans.

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Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)

Go deeper than the Black History you may think you know! Black American History For Dummies reveals the terrors and struggles and celebrates the triumphs of Black Americans. This handy book goes way beyond what you may have studied in school, digging into the complexities and the intrigues that make up Black America. From slavery and the Civil Rights movement to Black Wall Street, Juneteenth, redlining, and Black Lives Matter, this book offers an accessible resource for understanding the facts and events critical to Black history in America. The history of Black Americans is the history of Americans; Americans dance to Black music, read Black literature, watch Black movies, and whether they know it or not reap the benefits of the vibrant political, athletic, and sociological contributions of Black Americans. With this book, you can dive into history, culture, and beyond. See how far there's yet to go in the approach to studying Black American culture and ending racism. * Get the authoritative story on the growth and evolution of Black America from slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights era through to today * Discover the Black artists, musicians, athletes, and leaders who have made the United States what it is * Develop a fuller understanding of concerns about police brutality and other front-and-center race issues * Find out how every aspect of American life connects to Black history Black American History For Dummies is for anyone who needs to learn or re-learn the true history about Black Americans.

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Black American History For Dummies


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Black American History For Dummies - Ronda Racha Penrice, Kartoniert (TB)


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Black American History For Dummies Ronda Racha Penrice



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24,83 €




Go deeper than the Black History you may think you know! Black American History For Dummies reveals the terrors and struggles and celebrates the triumphs of Black Americans. This handy book goes way beyond what you may have studied in school, digging into the complexities and the intrigues that make up Black America. From slavery and the Civil Rights movement to Black Wall Street, Juneteenth, redlining, and Black Lives Matter, this book offers an accessible resource for understanding the facts and events critical to Black history in America. The history of Black Americans is the history of Americans; Americans dance to Black music, read Black literature, watch Black movies, and whether they know it or not reap the benefits of the vibrant political, athletic, and sociological contributions of Black Americans. With this book, you can dive into history, culture, and beyond. See how far there's yet to go in the approach to studying Black American culture and ending racism. * Get the authoritative story on the growth and evolution of Black America from slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights era through to today * Discover the Black artists, musicians, athletes, and leaders who have made the United States what it is * Develop a fuller understanding of concerns about police brutality and other front-and-center race issues * Find out how every aspect of American life connects to Black history Black American History For Dummies is for anyone who needs to learn or re-learn the true history about Black Americans.






Wiley John + Sons



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